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EDWARD III. A.D. 1330—1333.


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Preface cokrigenda Caiendak - Index




(.' )


The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars of the Close Rolls from tlie reign of Edward II. to that of Edward IV., the object and character of which are explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of Edward II. (a.d. 1307 1313.) The text has been prepared, with the sanction of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, by Mr. W. H. Stevenson, M.A., I'ellow of Exeter College, Oxford. The Index has been compiled by Mr. C. H. Woodnrff, B.C.L., Mr. Stevenson having assisted him by identifying most of the places.

H. C. MAXWELL LYTB. Public Hecord OflBce, Mne 1898.




le 4 ftom bottom, for " or " read " of."

6, /or " WonewellB " read " Bonewelle." 9 from bottom, for " be " read " de." 28, for "Tironeau" read " Tiron.-'

4 from bottoiii,/<ir " Roger " read " lUebard." IT from bottom, q/Jer "I^chM^l" add "(siu)."

14 from bottom, fm- " Esmond " read " Desmond."

6, for "Cornwall" read "Kent."

8, fur " Lisle " read " Lille." 13,/or "Robert" read " Roger "; /or "Esmond" read "Desmond." 13 from bottom, /or "Bober" read "Robert." 13, ajier " Doatua " add " (sic)."

I, for " Assihewortli " read " Asshewich."

4, /or "Kottingham" read "Norfolk."

16 ftom bottom, for "Castle of Vises" read "Castle of DevijieB icaatriim de Vises'),"

I, for "Dannebury" read " Danuebnry." 11, ii/iCT- " Bestburgh " add "(sic)."

5 from bottom, /or "de" read "le."

25, for " Robert de Northbuigh " read " Roger do Northburgh." , 25, for " Langellon " read " LangelJon." J,margin,/or "Dartmouth" read "Dart[ford]."

line 10 from bottom, /or "Langellon" read " Langellou." 8, after " Hasleslee " add " (sic)." 9 from bottom, /or "his'' read " ber." 11 from bottom, ^r "Bray" read "Braey." 10, for "scholar" read "secular," 38, for " Temyn " read " Tenjn." 19 from bottom, /or "son" read "daughter," 17 from bottom, q/Zer " Roger" insert" (sic)." 1,/or "infendentare " read "indenture." , 15, /or "estat" read " estat,"

5 from bottom, /or " Tenwjngeton " read "Teuwyngeton," il.for " LechjtHenan " read " LeohythleTan." 10, insert " have " before " the said oat." 34, /or "Guytardi" read "Gnycardi." 19, /or "tourds " read "boards."

II, add"(sic')" after " John SOB ot John." 34, add" (sicy aJier "Robert." 18, add " (sie) " after " Joan."

2, /or " Suthwamebnm " read " Sathwarnebaru." 17, for " le " read "de,"






Meubrahe 42.

To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order not to distrain Henry son Henry de WilyngcoQ for fealty for the lands that be holds of the king, ua he haa done homage to the king.

To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause Jfengate gaol to be repaired out of their ferm by the view and testimony of John de Stonore and Robert de Ifotingham, as the king is given to understand timt it ia so weak and threatened with ruin that the prisoners therein cannot be kept safely unless it be speedily repaired.

To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to canse a coroner for that county to be elected in place of John son of Hugh, deceased.

The like to the same sheriff for the election of a coroner in place of Bobert Waryn of Porteamutb, who is blind.

' To Simon de Bereford, esclieator this side Trent. Order not to inter- ' meddle further with a toft, t) acres of land, and an acre of meadow in Great Curborough near LichefelU, which he has taken into the king*s hands pretending that William son and heir of Walter le Venour is an idiot, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the eacheator that William is not an idiot, and was not an idiot from birth, and that the premises, which are of bis inheritance, arc held of the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield by the service of 5*. 8d. yearly, and that William ia aged 60 years and more.

To the sberifE of Kortbumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of Eobert de Milnebnrn, who is insufficiently qualified.

To the sheriff of Lincoln, Order to restore to Ealph de Fylyngharo of Lincoln, clerk, his lands, goods and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by reason of the robbery of 60*. in the house of William le Orfevre of Lincoln in Neuport, Lincoln, wherewith he was charged before William le Bos, Bichard le Grey, and John de Cantebrigg, the king's lata justices to deliver Lincoln gaol, as he has pui^ed his innocence befortt H. bishop of Lincoln, the ordinary of the place, to whom he was delivered according to the privilege of the clergy.

To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to pay to Ebnio Lestraunge and to Alesia his wife, daughter and heiress of Henry de Lacy, sometime eail of Lincoln, the arrears from the time of the sheritf's appointment of 20^, yearly for the third penny of the county of Lincoln, and to pay to then) that Kum hereafter, in accordance with the late king's order of 20 September, in the 16th year of his reign, in Alesia'a favour, . Wi. ausi. \

1 lOSlOd by



1330, Membrane i2—cont.

Feb. 3. To Simon cle Berefortl. egcheator this sirle Trent. Order not to int«r-

Elthun. rueddle further wjlh cerlsin tenements in Maydenstan, which he has taken into the king's liaiids by resifon of the death of John de Boklond, knight, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John held at hia dtath no lands in chief by reason whereof the cnstody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held the aforesaid tenements in 'gavelykyud' of the archbishopric of Canterbury, then void, by the service of 5g. Sd. yearly, and that Gregory, Kicbard, Laai-ence, and John his sons, and John son of John de Boctond, the younger, are his next heirs, and that Gregory, Richard, and Laurence are of full age, and John hia son is aged 8 years, and that Johu son of John, the younger, is aged seven years. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the fends of William le Walssh of Wolvesthorp, and lo restore the issues thereof, tm the king learns by inquisition taken by the eseheator that William held no lands in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lauds ought to pertain to the kiiig, but that he held divers lands of other lords by various services, and that Andrew le Walesh, his son, is his next heir and is of full age. Jan. 30, To the Fame. Whereas the king lately ordered him to certify him of

Eliham. the cause for taking Ibe abbot of St. Valery's lands in co. Essex into the king's hands, and the escheator has returned that, as he learned from trust- worthy information that brother John, late abbot of St. Valery in Picardj, was dead, be look into the king's hands the manor of Takkeleyc and certain oilier lands in that county, which are temporalities of the abbey of St. Valery in England, and which are hfid of the king in chief, as he understood, and which were in the custody of brother Andrew de Gor.a, prior and proctoi- of the abbot in England, as wardship pertaining to ilie king by reason of the voidance of the abbey, and afterwards the king— upon learning from the prior, that the abbot holds the manor »nd all the lands aforesaid in frankalmoin by the charters of the king's progpnitors without doing any service therefor, and that the manor and lands were [not] taken into the hands of any of his progenitors in times past during the voidance of the abbey by the death of any abbot, and that his predeceseors in the past did not receive any issues or profits thereof by pretext of any voidance of the abbey— ordered the escheator to make inquisition coneerning the premises, and it is found by Ihe inquisition that the abbot of the monastery of St. Valery in Picardy and the monks thereof were enfeoffed of the manor and lands afoi'*said in frankalmoiii without doing any service thciefor of Ihe gift otj and by the charter of, Henry, king of England, the king's progenitor, which charter Henry III. confirmed, and thitt the manor and lands were not taken or seized into the hands of ihe king's prf^eniiora alter the death of any abbot of that place, and that the king's progenitors did not receive any issues or profits thereof: the ling therefoi-e oiders the efcbeutor not to intermeddle further with the nnunor and lands aforesaid, which the king lately ordered to be restored lo the prior with the iatues upon security to answer to the king for the issues iu case they ought to peilain to him, and to restore the issues to the abbot or his said proctor, discharging him and his mainpernors of the said security. Feb. 3. To Ihe same. Order not to intermeddle further with ihe manor of

Eliharn. Boklond and with the advowson of the church of that manor, which he has taken into the kind's hands bj reason of tlie death of John de Bokloud, knight, and to restore tho issues thereof lo Jean, late the wife of the said John, as the king leai ns by iuquisitioii taken by liie escheator that John and Joan held Ihe manor and advowfon jointly on the day of John's death to them and to the heirs of their hodier, by tine levied in Ihe king's court, and that the manor is not held of the king.



1330, Membrane 42 cont.

Jan. 26. To Robert de Hornclit, constable of Baumburgb castle. Order to pav

Eliham. to KoKGi- de Horsele 40 marks for Ea.<^ter and Michaelraaa teniis last out of the issues of tliat castle, in aijcordance with the late king's grant, of 20 November, iQ the 12th year of his reign, of that snta yearly from the said iKiues in coiiBideralion oE Roger's good service, until he ebonld provide Roger with 40 marks of lands yearly in England for life.

Peh. 4. To the chamberlain of South Wales. Order to cause the king's castles

Elthsm. in South Wales to be repaired by the view and testimony of those whom Roger de Mortuo Mari, ear! of March, j ustice of Wales, shall appoint by tetters patent to survey the caatlca and the defects thereof, as tlie king understands that the castles are so much decayed in the walls, towers, quays, gates, bridges, itnd other buildings thnt their ruin is feared until they be speedily repaired. The king has ordered the justice to appoint men for the above purpose. By K.

Jan. 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to

Eltham. Thomas de Belio Carapp, son and heir of Guy de Belio Cnmpo, late earl of Warwick, or to one to be deputed by him, the office of the king's chamber- lainship in the exchequei-, in the manner in which the office was usually delivered to his ancestors in times past, as the king, on 20 February last^ took Thomas's homage for his father's lands although he had not yet come of age, and rendered the lands to him. Feb. 8, To Simon de Bereford, eacheator this side Ti'ent. Order to pay to the

Eltham. prior of Colne the arrears of 10s. yearly for the time that the eacheator has bad the custody of the lands of John de Argentein, tenant in chief of (he late king, and to pay in him that sum henceforth for so long as the lands shall be in the escheator's custody, as the late king upon its beiug found by ipquisition taken by Richard de Bodeneye, then his escheator this side Trent, that the prior and his predecessors received 10s, of yearly rent at the time of the said John's death and for a hundred years previously from. 30 acres of land, pasture, and alder-holt in Forilham, which are parcels of that manor, which manor was then in the said king's hands by reason of- the minority of John's heir ordered Master John Waiewayn, his late escheator this side Trent, and John de Blomvill, afterwards his escheator in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Esses, and Hertford, to pay to the prior the arrears of the rent aforesaid for the time that they were escheators, and to pay to him the rent thenceforth.

Feb. 12. To Simon de Bereford, escheator this side Trent. Order not to distrain

The Tower. John Aired for his fealty for the lands that he holds of the king, as he has done fealty to the king. Feb. 10. To the justices of the Bench, The abbot of Lire has shewn the king

Eitham, that whereas the king at the abbot's prosecution, by petition before liim and his council, euggesting that he lately impleaded Master Richard de Clare, dean of Wynibourn, that the dean should render to him 240 marks, the arrears of 8 marks of yearly rent due to him, and the Justices had superseded the hohling of the plea because the dean's attorney alleged before them that the dean held the deanery for life of the king's advowson by the late king's collation, and that he found the deanery discharged of the said rent, and that he could not answer to the abbot without the king, and that he prayed aid from the king ordered the justices to proceed in this pleft notwithstanding the dean's allegation or petition for aid,' providetl that they di<l not proceed to render judgment without consulting the king, and that they have deferred rendering judgment although they have pro- ceeded in the said plea up to the rendering of judgment, and the abbot has therefore besought the king to order judgment to be rendered : the king



Membrane 42 cont. therefore orders the justices to proceed to render judgment with all speed,

notwithstanding the dean's said' allegation or petition or the kiug'a order aforesaid not to proceed to render judgment.

To Simon de Bereford, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower to Agnes, late the wife of Richard de Sancto Andrea, tenant in cbief, upon her taking oath not tu marrj without the king's licence.

Membrane 41.

To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede until the octaves of Holy Trinity next the demand upon William de Gosfeld for 50 niarlui by renaon of a recognisance for that sum made by him in the exchequer to Hu^h le Despenser, the elder, after Hugh's exile, as the kiag, in response to William's suit, has ordered the treasurer and barous to send to him the tenor of the recognisance so that he might cause to be done what ought to be done according to the t^eement in the parliament at West- minater for the annalling of recognissnces made by force and duress after the exile of the Despensers and others, and "William has now besought the king, by petition before him and his council, to cause the demand to be superseded until the premiees be determined (discucidntur) before the king.

To the same. Whereas Edward I. before his accession, to wit on 5 April, 50 Henry III., granted to the abbot and convent of Tynterne, in consideration of their merits and iheir good service lo hi'm, and to their church of Tynterne in frankalmoiu whatever he had in the town of Huwaidesfeld, and after hJs accession he, on £0 March, in the 35th year of his reign, cooflrmed the said grant, as appears by his charter, which the king has inspected; and the king at the prosecution of the abbot and convent, by tbeir petition before him and his council in the parliament at Northampton suggesting that Edward I. in the 8th year of his reign, caused the stud town be reanmed into hla hands without reasonable cause, nt the procurement of certain of his ministers, and that [they] procared certain letters patent of the said king's to be made in the name oi the abbot and convent without their knowledge or will, containing that the abbot and convent should render yearly 61j. 5rf. to the exchequer, in order that they might aggrieve the abbot and convent, and that the said letters patent never came to the abbot and convent, by pretext of which letters the said sum has been hitherto exacted frora the abbot and convent, and that they were compelled to pay certain arrears thereof by the procurement of Hugh le Despenser, the younger, who caused certain of their goods to be taken into, and detained in, the late king's hands until the said king had been satisfied for the arrears ordered the treasurer and barons to obtain information concerning the cause of the resumption of the town into the bands of Edward I., and the cause of the exaction of the aforesaid 6U. 5d., and to certify the king of what they found, and they certified the king that, having made search concerning the premises, they found in the originalia (oriffinali) of the Mh year [mem. IS.] that Edward I. on IB November, in the same year, received into his hands for certain causes all that he had given in the said town by his charter in the time of Henry III. to the abbot and convent, which gilt was worth 61*. 5d. yearly, aw the said king learned by an extent thereof that he ordered to be made by Balph de Sandwico, then bis steward, and the said king rendered all that he had taken into his hands to the abbot and convent, rendering therefor 61*. 5d. yearly to the exchequer, with which sum they are charged yearly as of a yearly ferm at the exchequer from 16 November aforesaid, and that the treasurer and barons found no other cause for the resumption of the town into the said



1330. Membrane 41 cont.

king's haada : the king, having consideration to tlie premises and to the lonff service of the abbot and convent, orders the treasurer and barons to cause them to be discharged of the aforesaid 61«. 6d, thus exacted from them, and of an^ arrears thereof, and to release any diatrunt that they may have made for this reason. By p.s. [3265.]

Feb. 18. To Simon de Bereford, esoheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-

Westminstet. meddle further with the manor of Trevelowe and with other lands of Henry de Campo Hanulphi, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Henry at his death lield no lands of the king in his demesne as of fee, but that he held for life of the gift ot Willinm de Kancin, parson of the church of Cardian («i'c), and of Peter de BcMlrigan, the manor aforesaid, as of the honour of Tremeton, in tlio hands of Queen Isabella, and that he held divers lands of other lords by Tftrious services by fine levied in the king's conrt, and that the manor and the lands ought to remain aft«r his death to Wiliiam his son and to tlio heirs of his body by virtue of the fine aforesaid, and that William is aged sixteen years.

Feb. 21. To the sheriff of Korfolk and Suffolk. Order to deliver to John fib

Windsor. Simond all his lands, goods and chattels, which the king lately ordered to

be taken into his hands by reason of certain trespasses, excesses, and dis-

ohediencp.s committed against him by John, and to restore the issues

thereof, as the king has rendered them to John of his special grace. By K.

Feb. 21, To Eoger de Chaundoys, sberifE ot Hereford, keeper of the king's land of

Wbdsor. Gloumorgan and Morgannou. Order to permit "William la Zousche de Mortuo Marl and Eleanor his wife to take away and make their profit of their goods and chattels in the said land, and to lev) their debts and arrears of their ferms, and to dispose and ordain of wardships and marriages without hindrance, and to restore to them any of the goods, chattels, ward- ships and marriages, and debts that may have been taken into the king's hands or levied, and to aid and counsel them in levying the debts and arrears, as it was not the king's intention, when he ordered Roger to take the land into his hands because William and Eleanor bad granted it to him, tjiat Roger should intermeddle with their goods and chattels or with ths debts and arrears that wei'e owing to them before their grant to the king, or with tba wardships and marriages that fell to them before the grant.

ByK. The like to the following :

The sheriff of Worcester concerning the manor of Hanle, By K.

The sheriff of Gloucester concerning the manor of Teukesbery. 'By K.

Feb. 13. To Simon de Bereford, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to

The Toner, Benedicta, late the wife of John de Sheivyng, a rent of 40*. in Weveringge, together wiih the issues thereof, taking her fealty therefor, as the king learns by inquisition taken by ihe escheator that John at his death held the rent jointly with Benedicta, to him and Benedlcia's heirs, of the king in chief by tlie service of finding him in his ai'my of Wales a horse with a sack and of carrying a spit {brock'), price 6«. id., for hia scullery (eiquiler''), and that John held no lands in chief at his death as of the crown by reason wliereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain lo the king. Jan. 26. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause the houses within

Bltham. Winchester easlJe to be repaii'ed without delay for the king's stay there, as the king has disposed to hold a parliament (colloquium) and treaty at Win- chester on Sunday before St. Gregory the Pope, and has ordained to stay in the castle during the parliament.



]f}30. Membrane 41 coTit.

: Feb. 18. To the sbRrifFof Berkshire. Oriler to cause William de Sancta Elena to

. Wesiminsier, have seisin of 94*. of rent of tlie 100*. of rent in Abjndon that John le

Spicer of Abyndon, who was outlawed for felony, held of him, tw the king

learns by inquisition taken by John de Buklond, late !=heriff of that county,

that two messuages nnd the 100*. rent aforesaid in Aliyndon, which the

said John le Spicer held, have been in the king's hands for a year and a

day, and that John held 24*. of the rent of the said William, and that

William now holds the said 24j. of rent, and that he had the king's year and

day thereof, and that he ought to answer to the king therefor.

March 6. To Simon da Bereford, escheator thia aide Trent, Order not to inter-

Wiochc^ier. meddle further with the lauds of William le Spencer, and to restore the

issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that

William held at his death no lands of the king in chief by reason whereof

the custody of hia lands ought to pert^nin to the king.

To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the following lands of James de Norton, and to restore the issues thereof, ns tiie king learns by- inquisition taken by the escheator that James at his death held no lands of the king in fee, but that he held a third of the manor of Selton and a tldrJ of the manor of Fissherton near Wyly by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Elizabeth, sometime his wife, and that the third of. the manor of Selton is held of Queen Isabella as of the honour of Ci istchurche by the service of a third of a knight's fee, and the third of the manor of Fissh- erton of Hugh de Poyns by knight service, and that he held for life the manor of Norton by fine levied in the late king's court, so that it should remain after his death to Thomas de Norton Ids son, and to the heirs male of Thomas's body, and that it is held of Hugh de Braybeof by knight service. . March 10. To the same. Order to deliver to William de Walkyngton all his lands, Winchester, goods and chattels, which the king lately ordered to be tjiken into his hands for certain trespasses, excesses, and disobedience;^, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king has rendered them to William of his special grace. March 8, To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county . Winchesier. to be elected in place of John de Irlaund, whom the king haa amoved from office because he nnderstands that he is incapacitated by illness.

To the sheriff of Yoik. Order to cause a coioner for that county to be elected in place of William de Thnrgarton, deceased. ' March 10, Asolia Bonde of Fighlyngdales, imprisoned at Wbiteby for the death of Winchester. Eoger Bonde, has letters to the sheriff of York to bail her until the first

March 12. To Simon de Bereford, escheator this sido Trent, Order to assign dower

Winchester, to Juliana, late the wife of Boger de Melbury, tenant by knight service of

the heir of John de Spncto Johanne, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's

wardship, upon her faking oath not to marry without the king's licence, in

the presence of Thomas West, to whom the king has committed the custody

of two pails of her said husband's lands, if be choose to be present.

. March JO. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to

_ Winchester, be elected in place of John Stevenes, deceased.

April 2. To the bailiffs of Basyngstok, John HodiniiU* has shewn the king that

Woodstock, whereas the men of the town of Basyni^stok hold that town of the king at fee-ferm for 80/. yearly, and elect bailiffs from themselves yearly, who hold the king's courts and exercise other things and do what pertains lo justice in that town, and he impleads before the bailiffs in the court of Ihe town Philip Marmyon, the elder, by the king's little writ of right, according to

* Called Hodenvlll \a ibe privy eeiil.



1330. Membrane 41 cont.

the custoiii of the manor of Baayngstok, concerning a mossuage, ft virgate of land, and 24 acres of wood ia Upnateleghesestthorp, which p!eA still pends before them unilecided, the bailiffs liare deferred proceeding in the plea because the king's writ was directed to the bailiffs of Edmuad, late earl of Kent, at Basyiigstok, which Edmund hod nauglit in tbe said town excpt the aforesaid ferm, which wm assigned to him for life by the late king, and which has now come to the king by hia death, wherefore John baa beaouglit the king to provida a remedy : the king thei-elbre orders the ba,ilifrd to pro- ceed in the said plea without delay, notwithstanding the ca;iae aforesaid.

By p.s. [3402.]


Jan. 20. To .Tohn Maiitravers, keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Whereas the

mtluiKi, la,ie king by his letters patent, which the king has inspected, granted to the prior and canons of Ivychurch (monasterm Ederoso) 100*. yearly of alms, to be received from his manor of Claryndon by the hands of his bailiffs, ia aid of the lighting {luminaris) of that monastery; and the king after- wards, upon learning from the prior, by petition before him and his council, th;it the rent had been detained from them for some time, ordered the keeper of the manor to pay the said rent to ihe prior in aid of the lights out of the issues of the manor before all other payments, either from agistments, or f lom other proiits, rents, qt issues of the manor, or to signify why he had not obeyed the king's orders preriously Epntj and Giles de Bello Cam|io, keeper of the manor, has returned that there are no issues of the manor out of which he can make the aforesaid payment except 4/. of rent of assize and the agistments of cattle (averiontm) that used to be made in the park of Claryndon, extended before William la Zousch, late justice of the Forest this side Trent, in the king's presence at 10/. yearly, which issues, rents and profits the keepers of the manor have heretofore always be«n wont to receire and have, without diminution and without making any payment thence, for the custody of the manor, park, and forest, and that the king in the parliament at New Sarum proliibited the making of such agistments in the park, in order to have more ample pasture for hia deer (ferarum) in the park, and he assigned the aaid payment of 101. to be niade to Giles by tlie hands of the justice, in recompence for the said agistments, from the sale of wood of the forest, to be ma<ie yearly towards (super) the repair of the enclosure of the park, and that the prior and canons have not recL*ived and had the said 10O«. yearly by the hands of any keeper or bailiff of that manor from the iasuea, rents, or profits of the manor and forest, or from the f'ale of underwood made by the king's special order : the king, wishing that the payment shall be made to the prior, considering that the grant thereof was made to holy church for the honour of God to endure for all time, orders Ihe aforesaid John to cause the arrears of the said sum to be paid to the prior, and to pay that sum to him henceforth from the sale of such under- wood in the forest now made or to be made for this cauiie. By K.

Feb. 22. To the sheriffs of London. Order to release Thomas de Tyverton and

WiiMisor. Hugh Dalby, lately in the company of Eleanor la Despenaer, from prison,

and to permit them to go wbither they wish, uotwithstMiding the king's laie

CH'der to arrest and imprison them until further orders. By K.

Feb. 17. To theescheator this side Trent. Oi-dernot to intermeddle in anywise with

The Tower, the manor of Tackele and other lands in Co. Essex of the abbot and monks of

St. Valery in Picardy, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the cscheator

that the abbot and monks were enfeoffed of the manor and lands in frank-

almoin without doing any service therefor, of the gift and by charter of Henry,



1330. Membrane 40— con*.

king of England, which charter Henry JII. afterwards confirmed, and that the manor aud lands were not taken or seised into the hands of any of the king's progenitot's after the death of any abbot of that plMce, and that tha king's progenitors have not received any issues or profits thereof, and it appears by certificate of the treasurer and harons sent in to the chancery that it was not found upon seBrching the rolls of the exchequer that the manor or other lands of the abbot in that county were taken into the hands of any ot the king's progenitors in times of voidanee of the abbey, or that any of the king's progenitors received any issues or profits by reason of snch voidances. Et erat patent.

Feb. 13. To the treaanrer and barons of the exchequer. Order to send some

The Tower, suitable person from tho exchequer to supervise ttje estate of each of the men of the bishopric of Durham and of Richemundshir and of cos. Com- berland and Westmoreland, who are indebted to the king for victuals bought from him and from the late king, wliich person ahali attermine the debts according to his discretion, having consideration and advisement aa to the damages and grievances that each of the men received through the frequent comings of the Scots, so that they may be able tn make the payments without giievance and without impoverishment of their estate, receiving from them security for payment of the debts, certifying the treasurer and barons of the terms and securities, which they are to cause to be eni-olled in the exchequer in due form, as the said men have besouglit the king to shew them favour concerning these debts. By p.a. [3270.]

Feb. 26. To Simon de Bereford, escheator this aide Trent. Order to deliver to

Guildford. Agnts, late the wife of Thomas Bardolf, tenant in chief, the following of her husband's lands, which the king has assigned to her as dower : the manor of Byskyngton, wiih the members of Lesyngham and Digeby and other appuitenanees, in co. Lincoln, of the yearly value of 26/. 10*. 3|d. ; the manor of Westburgh, in the same county, of the yearly value of 2bl. 18*. lO^d.; the manor of Watlon, with certain lands in the hamlet of Stapelford, co. Hei-tford, of the yearly value of 8/. 17*. S^d. ; certain lands in Adyntoo, co. Surrey, of the yearly value of 6/. 18*. 4d. ; the .manor of Halghton, co. Leicester, of rhe yearly value of 8/. 5s, Gd. ; certain lands in Edelmeton, co. Middlesex, of the yeaily value of 25*. ; and 100*. of yearly rent f torn certain tenants in the town of Empnesworth, co. Southampton; Irf. of yearly rent from the manor of Gretham, in the eame county; and 38*. lid. of yearly rem from certain tenants in Wendovre, Huccore, and Bledelowe, CO, Buckingham : on condilion that she pay to the king or to him to whom he tihall commit the custody of two-thirds of her husband's lands 4*. Td. yearly during the heir's minority, and that she pay that sum to the heir after he come of age, being the excess in value of her dower.

Feb. 28. To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Agnes the following of

Guildtord. . her aforesaid husband's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to her as dower: a fee in Wrennyngham, co. Korfolk, which Robert de Thorp, knight, holds, of the yearly value of 100». ; a quarter of a fee in Derham, iu the same connty, which quarter the heirs of John de Bradecroft and Thomna Corlo hold, of the yearly value of 30i,; a fee in Thorplond, Gaylon, and Walyngton, in the sanre county, which Geoffrey de Eston holds, of the yearly vatne of 60«. ; a fee in Watlyngtoo, Foston, Wallyng- ton, Sechecbe, and Herdewyk, in the same county, which Benedict Russel, the prioress of Blakebergb, Edmund de Mounpyncon, and the tenants of Watijngton hold, of the yearly value of 100». ; a fee in Watlyngton and Longham, in the same county, which G^niffrey Brisyerd holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; a moiety of a fee in Fincham, Derham, Boxham, and Ford- ham, in ihe eame county, which moiely Roger Corpel holds, of the yearly


4 EDWABD 111.

1330. Membrane 40 eont.

value of 50#. ; a fee in Byngested, in the sami Roger holds, of tbe yearly value of 100*. ; a fee and Bichamwell, in the same county, which John Ijovel holds, of the yearly value of 6^. ; two fees in Fordham, Bokejham, Barsliale, and Ci»il«rne, in the some county, which Nicholas son of Nicholna de Straileseie holds, of the yearly value of 101. ; a fee iu Loxham, Dunham, and Keineaton, in the same county, which Alan le Rons holds, of the yearly value of 60*.; a fee in Bokeswell and Fransham, which the prior of Penteneye holds, of the yearly value of 100s. ; a quarter of a fee in Holkham, in the same county, which quarter William Wake hold?, of the yearly value of 25^. ; two fees in Langele, in the same county, which John de Claverynge holds, of the yearly value of 20/.; two fees in Narburgh, in the same county, which William de Narbnrgh holds, of the yearly value of 20/.! two fees in ElsaiD, Ketelby, Glaunfordbrigg, and Wri^hby, co. Lincoln, which Richard de Boaelyngthorp, Walter de Persay, and Robert Breton of Elsam hold, of the yearly value of 20/. ; a moiety of a fee in Brynkel, in the same county, which moiety William Breton holds, of the yearly value of 5 marks; a moiety of afee inClaypol, inthe same county, which moiety jEd[mund] Creasy holds, of the yearly value of 100$. ; an eighth of a fee in Stubton and Claypoi, in the same county, which eighth Matilda Malet, Henry de Fenton, and Richard Moit hold, of the yearly value of 20*.; an eighth of a fee in Westburgh, in the same county, which eighth GeofErey Knyght holds, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a moiety of a fee in Dunnesby and Brauncewell, iu tbe same county, which moiety William de Mortuo Man holds, of the yearly value of 5 marks; IJ fees in Dirynglon and Amewyk, in the same county, which John Diseny of Diryngton, John Rivelyng, and John de Hightyngton hold, of the yearly value of 10 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Diggeby and Branncewdl, in the same county, which moiety Robert de Tilton of Digpeby holds, of the yearly value of 5 marks; a moiety of a fee in Dig^eby, in the same county, which moiety William son of Robert de la Bonrhall of Diggeby holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a twelfth of a fee in Biskyngton, in the same county, which twelfth Thomas son of Martin Nichol holds, of the yearly value of 3s. ; a moiety of a fee in Brauncewell and Amewyk, in the sumo county, which moiety John de Amewyk holds, of the yearly value of 30s.

To the same. Older to deliver to the aforesaid Agnes the following of her husband's advowsons, which the king has nssigned to her as dower : the advowson of the church of St. Martin, Fyicham, co. Norfolk, of the yearly value of lOOs, ; the advowaon of a moiety of the church of Ryskyngtou, CO. Lincoln, of the yeaily value of 2tl«. ; the advowaon of a moiety of the church of Westburgh, in the same county, of the yearly value of 20s. ; the advowson of the church of Brsdewelle, co. Essex, of the yearly value of 30/.

Jan. 25, To the sheriff of Southampton. Whereas the king at the frequent

Bltham. complaints of Roger de la Hume and Richard de CockhuU of Southampton and of other merchant;S of that town and of the town of Great Yarmouth and elsewhere in the realm, suggesting that certain malefactors of France, Xormandy, and Poitou had assembled in great number, and had attacked in warlike manner the said merchants, who had gone iu their ships to the ports of Bune in Poitou and of Leoe in Normandy to exercise their mer- chandise there, and had bIud («tc) the eaid merchants, burnt their ships, and taken and earned away their goods and chattels found iu the ships to a considerable value ordered the sherifi to cause all goods and chattels and debts of tbe men and merchants of the said lands in his bailiwick to be arrested and kept safely until tbe king should otherwise ordain, and the sheriS caused 90 tuns ol' white wine of certain merchants of France to be



Memiirane 40 cont. arrested in a ship of Baldwin Folron of Dordrecht (Tiurdra.^i') ; and ibe king afterwards caused them to be delivernd to Roger and Richard upon their finding security before the sheriff to answer to the king at his order for the wine or for its price when he should summon them to do so; nnd the king, upon learning from Roger and Richard tbac Richard de la Pole, hij hutler, caused a custom of 2s. for each tun of the wine to be exacted from them for the king's use, aad that he disquieted them concerning the tame, ordered the said Richard to supersede until otherwise ordered the exaction of ihe said cnstom, upon Roger and Richard finding security to answer to the king for lh6 custom if it ought to pertain to him ; and Roger and Bichard de Cockbull have given the king to understand that Richard de Itt Pole has refused to rec^ve such security from them for the custom, bat distrains nnd molests them therefor aa before : the king, because it was lately agreed, at Amiens, between Philip, king of Fmace, and liis councillors and the king and his councillors that certain persons should be appointed by tlie king of France